Hobbyists...  Technicians...  Radio Amateurs... Students... Engineers!
Solve over 160 electrical and electronics equations quickly and easily with the Electronics Toolkit!

From simple Ohm's Law calculations in direct current (dc) applications to complex design equations for alternating current (ac) and radio frequency (rf) circuits, the Electronics Toolkit can help anyone solve basic electrical and electronics formulas quickly and accurately.

Whether you are a hobbyist building electronics projects, a repairman performing electrical repairs or a broadcast engineer licensed by the FCC, the Electronics Toolkit can simplify your work.

The Electronics Toolkit can help you in the day-to-day calculations involved in electrical and electronics work ranging from complex projects such as the design of frequency converters to  calculating electrical and electronic values during electronic assembly and experimentation projects.



Students will also find the Electronics Toolkit useful in completing class work and lab assignments.  Whether you are on campus pursuing an electrical engineering degree or enrolled in an online electrical engineering course, the toolkit can make your life easier.  In addition, students and instructors involved in electrical safety training and electronics technology courses will find the toolkit very easy to use.





A unique feature of the product is that it displays the actual formulas used in the calculations, thereby eliminating guess work while teaching the principles used in the calculations.





Based on Microsofts Excel®  spreadsheet format, each section is easy to use and is organized around traditional electronics topics such as Ohm's Law for a.c. and d.c., series/parallel circuits, capacitance, inductance, resonance, frequency, time constants, networks, antennas, and much more.


Developed by XL Technologies, the Electronics Toolkit  provides design solutions to a variety of electronics and radio communications problems for broadcast engineers, two way radio technicians, amateur radio operators, and students.




This is a screen shot of a partial worksheet covering the topic of resonance.  Each calculation is displayed in a standardized format which includes: Calculations, Formulas, and Notes.  The formulas are displayed next to the calculation cells.  Each calculation is color coded: yellow cells for input data and tan cells for output data. Not shown in the sample image are notes, explanations, diagrams, and references to further explain the calculations.

Amateur Radio
-- This handy assistant has all the basic formulas needed for developing that next circuit, verifying basic dimensions for a week-end antenna project, or designing the rf section of a QRP transmitter.  There may be other sources for this data (handbooks, formulas programmed into a calculator, etc), but the Electronics Toolkit has all the basic formulas available for ready calculation in an easy to use Excel workbook format that includes 'units' conversion by input and output variables.  For example, if the capacitance of a parallel tuned circuit is in pF, the inductance is in mH, and you want to know the resonant frequency in mHz, just select these units in the drop down list for each input variable and the value of the resonant frequency in the output cell will be adjusted accordingly.

Electrical Engineering
-- The Electronics Toolkit can be used initially to introduce students to electrical engineering principles and later as a reference for electrical engineers practicing in the field.

Technical Colleges
-- The organization of electrical and electronics formulas in separate worksheets in the Electronics Toolkit closely follows the arrangement of topics and chapters in many text books.  Consequently, the software can be used as a teaching tool alongside the text book in the classroom as well as in the lab.  Later, when the student graduates, the Electronics Toolkit will serve as a reference and a refresher of all the basic electrical and electronics formulas.

How To Projects
-- Whether you are an electronics enthusiast, experimenter, hobbyist, or DIY enthusiast, the Electronics Toolkit has all the basic formulas you need at your fingertips for most electronics projects.

-- The Electronics Toolkit can be used in preparation for the FCC licensing exams which often require basic calculations of various electronics formulas.  For example, the following is a typical question from an FCC exam: In a parallel tuned circuit composed of an inductance of 200 uH and a capacitance of 200 pF, what is the resonant frequency? The solution to this problem can be easily solved by the Electronics Toolkit which also provides additional information to assist in learning the principles.

Industrial Electronics
-- Technicians will also find the Electronics Toolkit handy in troubleshooting and maintaining electronics equipment in a variety of applications.

Two Way Radio
-- Typical applications include line-of-sight calculations for proper placement of antennas, calculation of RF power, voltage or current gain/loss, design of filters and attenuators, transmission line applications and much more.

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